Project Information Model (PIM)

It is a term introduced in PAS 1192‑2: 2013 and ISO 19650 set of standards. It means any graphical or non-graphical information such as: Structured information, i.e.: schedules, costing and databases Unstructured, i.e.: method of construction, performance requirements, details of installed systems, components and equipment, maintenance requirements, video clips and sound recordings. Geometrical information i.e. […]

task team

The term, introduced by ISO 19650, describes a team of people working together on a specific task. task team might be an individual appointed party, and the appointed party might include several task teams; also task team might involve many appointed parties Impact of ISO 19650 on an appointed party and a task team is […]

Tier 2

In the construction industry, Tier 2 is a Contractor referred in ISO 19650 as the Appointed party with a sub-contract who provide goods or services directly to the Lead Appointed Party (Tier 1)

Tier 3

In the construction industry, Tier 3 is a sub-contractor referred in ISO 19650 as the Appointed party and Task Team, with a sub-contract who provides goods or services directly to the Tier 2 Appointed Party  

Project Team

All parties appointed for the project are defined as members of the Project Team. Each function can be fulfilled by either an individual or multiple people throughout the course of the project. Function responsibilities can be transferred as the project progresses. Thus, project team can be formed by one or many companies or individuals who […]

built asset

individual or multiple buildings (e.g. a site or campus) or infrastructure (e.g. roads, railways, pipelines, dams, docks, etc.) built as part of a construction project or where the asset information is held in a digital format NOTE 1 The built asset may include associated land or water, for example, the catchment area for a water […]

Project Implementation Plan (PIP)

The Project Implementation Plan (PIP) it is a PAS 1192 term that should assist in establishing of the supply chain’s capability. In summary, it consists of the supplier’s: BIM assessment form(s), the supplier information technology assessment form(s) and the supplier resource assessment form(s). In ISO 19650 Framework does not include an equivalent combined term for […]

Master Information Delivery Plan (MIDP)

The Master Information Delivery Plan (MIDP) is the primary plan for the preparation of project information (from the supplier’s perspective), which is set out as being required in the Exchange Information Requirements (EIR). The MIDP is produced from the aggregation of all applicable delivery teamsTIDP’s. The MIDP lists information deliverables with dates (data drops – […]

PAS 1192-7

The latest message related to PAS 1192-7 is a tweet from Paul Surin is that PAS1192-7 confirming that CPNI and  BSI have agreed to cease the development of PAS 1192-7. [1] So far I am unable to find additional status information from BSI. It looks like the intended product information specification for defining, sharing and […]