PAS 1192 vs ISO 19650 terms

Quick reference guide In here you can find a quick reference guide with PAS1192 and ISO 19650 terminology comparison. PAS references (superseded) ISO References (current) Pre-contract BEP Pre-appointment BEP Post-contract BEP Post-appointment BEP LOD Level of information need graphical geometrical non-graphical non-geometrical project clients appointing parties BIM execution plan Information delivery plan – ISO 19650‑1 […]

Pre-contract BEP

On projects where ISO 19650 Framework has implemented a term, Pre-appointment BEP is used instead of the PAS 1192 term Pre-contract BEP. The meaning is the same, it communicates on the delivery team’s intended approach to the information management process.

Post-contract BEP

This PAS 1192 term has been superseded by ISO 19650 term Post-appointment BEP. It is a BIM Execution Plan (BEP) which shall be re-submitted by the Lead Appointed Party and confirmed by the Task Team and the Appointing Party to demonstrate understanding, agreement and committed to the Exchange Information Requirements. It should be submitted at […]


The PAS1192 term has been replaced by ISO19650 term ‘geometrical’ Geometrical is more appropriate to describe spatial positioning and relationships


This PAS1192 term is equivalent to the ISO19650 term ‘non-geometrical’


Equivalent to ISO 19650 term ‘information container’


Equivalent to the term ‘Information container’


Appointing party ISO 19650 term depends on where in the hierarchy the employer is located.The BS EN ISO 19650‑2 appointing party (A) is the equivalent of the PAS 1192‑2:2013 top‑level employer Lead Appointed party (Tier 1) Lead appointed party is not the same as design lead or construction lead in PAS 1192‑2. See 9.5.4.The BS […]

Level of model definition

The PAS1192 term is replaced by ‘Level of information need’ an ISO19650 term Level of information need is a more generic term than any of the existing “Level of …” terms used in 1192. It is not supposed to be shortened to an acronym.