BS ISO 8000-2:2020

Data quality Part 2: Vocabulary ISO 8000 is an emerging technology standard for organizations that want to improve business processes and control operating costs throughout the product life cycle from conception to disposal. The ISO 8000 principles can be applied to leverage the ability to create, collect, store, maintain, transfer, process, and present data quickly […]

Miller’s law

Argument introduced by Miller, G. A., suggests that the number of objects an average human can hold in short-term memory is 7 ± 2.[1] From a practical standpoint, this means that information designed for quick perception must contain no more than 9 elements @ each level, when planning strategy, workflow, process map, container strategy etc. […]

BS 7000-10:2008

Design management systems Part 10: Vocabulary of terms used in design management

built asset

individual or multiple buildings (e.g. a site or campus) or infrastructure (e.g. roads, railways, pipelines, dams, docks, etc.) built as part of a construction project or where the asset information is held in a digital format NOTE 1 The built asset may include associated land or water, for example, the catchment area for a water […]

Built Environment

All forms of buildings (residential, industrial, commercial, hospitals, schools), all economic infrastructure (above and below ground) and the urban space and landscape between and around buildings and infrastructure3, as well as the services and activities provided through these spaces and assets. [1] [1] Gürdür Broo, D., Lamb, K., Juvenile Ehwi, R., Anneli Pärn, E., 2020. […]

carbon sink

A carbon sink is a natural or artificial reservoir that captures and stores morecarbon than it releases. Examples include forests, oceans, soil and potentially timber buildings. We need these reservoirs to capture existing atmospheric carbon at the same time as we need to reduce our carbon emissions to turn off the tap and stop pouring […]


It is best to define “data” in the context of “information”. Data is the evidence, while information provides context for that evidence. Data is a very complex term to define because it does not exist independently of the ideas, instruments, practices, context, and knowledge used to generate, process, and analyse it. However, many accept that […]


the structures that emphasize, organise and enable social functions. Individual units of infrastructure are known as assets. It is sometimes subcategorised into economic infrastructure, the networks of built assets that enable the creation of value like energy, ICT and water, and social infrastructure, the assets that enable social services and connections, such as transport networks, […]

Internet of Things (IoT)

This phrase refers to networked infrastructures that interconnect physical objects and allow for the management of the data they generate. A typical example of IoT is a home energy monitor connected to an app on mobile phone, or a voice-activated system such as Alexa or Google Home that allows the user to play music or […]

Contractor’s proposals (CP)

Contractor’s proposals (CP) in AEC industry refer to documentation prepared by tenderers for design and build projects or on a traditional contract where the bidder is to design specific parts of the works in response to employers’ requirements. The Employer’s Requirements (ER’s) are often referred to as Employer Information Requirements (EIR) referencing the superseded PAS […]