
actor (3.2.1) responsible for initiating a project and approving the brief [cited from ISO 19650-1:2018(en), 3.2.5] The UK BIM Alliance, responding to the inconsistency between the current guidance of CIC BIM Protocol, Second Edition 2018 and the ISO 19650 Framework, published an updated information protocol to support BS EN ISO 19650-2 the delivery phase of assets (Framework). […]


a measure of ability to perform and function [cited from ISO 19650-1:2018(en), 3.3.18]

delivery phase

part of the life cycle (3.2.10), during which an asset (3.2.8) is designed, constructed and commissioned [cited from ISO 19650-1:2018(en), 3.2.11] ISO 19650-2:2018 Standard dedicated to the delivery phase

risk appetite

amount and type of risk that an organization is willing to pursue or retain [cited from ISO 19650-5:2020(en), 3.5]

Task Information Delivery Plan (TIDP)

schedule of information containers and delivery dates, for a specific task team [cited from ISO 19650-2:2018(en),] The Task Information Delivery Plan (TIDP) is defined by the ISO 19650 framework as federated lists of information deliverables by each task team, including format, date and responsibilities. Each task team is responsible to compile their own TIDP […]

trigger event

a planned or unplanned event that changes an asset (3.2.8) or it’s status during its life cycle (3.2.10), which results in information exchange (3.3.7) [cited from ISO 19650-1:2018(en), 3.2.13]


state of relative freedom from threat (3.13) or harm caused by deliberate, unwanted, hostile or malicious acts [cited from ISO 19650-5:2020(en), 3.7]

plan of work

It is a project-specific “digitally checkable” framework set-up to ensure that the deliverables of all contributors are identified and appropriate to the decisions required at each work stage. The plan of work should be adopted by the project team as the basis for delivering and operating the asset/facility.[1] According to BS EN ISO 19650-2:2018, […]

information requirement

The information needed to support a business or other activity. specification for what, when, how and for whom information (3.3.1) is to be produced [cited from ISO 19650-1:2018(en), 3.3.2] Term directly related to: Employer Information Requirements (EIR), sometimes referred to as Employer Requirements (ER) – Both replaced by Exchange Information Requirements (EIR) by BS 19650 framework. Organizational Information […]

information delivery milestone

scheduled event for a predefined information exchange [cited from ISO 19650-2:2018(en),] Milestones act as signposts through the course of a project. An information delivery milestone is a point in time that signifies a change or stage in information development. Milestones are useful in project management because they show key deliverables and help to plan […]